About Marilyn Gilbert-Mitchell

Almost 250 students working with Marilyn Gilbert-Mitchell received $17.8+ million in scholarships and grants; admission to 1,200+ colleges and universities; and success in academic, public, private, corporate, and non-profit sectors. These experiences produced patterns of success to include college planning strategies and tools; exposure to more of the 4,000 colleges and universities; increased community service participation; improved presentation and leadership skills; and expanded college options.
With 25+ years supporting students and families, Marilyn Gilbert-Mitchell's expertise is empowering first-generation college goers, students from lower socioeconomic households, and/or those attending schools in urban environments or underserved areas. Her impact includes elementary to high school and college students across backgrounds, grades, and academic levels with a career of supporting leadership teams and schools in nearly thirty states and two countries.
Using skills, experiences, education, and training from diverse environments, Ms. Gilbert-Mitchell is committed to students and their college goals that lead to graduation. "With proper planning, college is more than possible." Let's do it together!

